I was inspired to create the WOODWERK project by cool Dutch interiors and furniture seen by Dutch designers and manufacturers. Back in 2008, it became clear that it was necessary to create a business that would provide an opportunity for Ukrainian consumers to equip their homes in a similar way.
From the beginning of the founding of the WOODWERK brand, I sought to make modern Northern European design more understandable and accessible to the Ukrainian consumer. So that the furniture has a really long-lasting, aesthetic design and structure, and at the same time does not cost exorbitant amounts.
Having already some experience in working with wood, we began to make the first samples of furniture in the Dutch style. Thus, in 2013, WOODWERK appeared. But all this time, until now, we were actually learning to make furniture. They understood technological nuances, developed their constructive and technological skills.
However, it must be stated that this furniture is difficult to integrate into those interiors that were created during the last decades and were proudly called "European renovation".
Last year we decisively removed the entire range that was created at the beginning to replace it with updated, more modern, technological and cheap models.
Last year we decisively removed the entire range that was created at the beginning to replace it with updated, more modern, technological and cheap models. Currently, we continue to develop and implement them.
The good news is that really comfortable, convenient interiors are not expensive.
Excellently reflect the most common "design" of housing rental sites. You can see a lot of interesting things in them. Therefore, I decided that in order to realize our mission - to improve the lives and homes of Ukrainians, in addition to the creation of furniture itself, it is necessary to share experience and practical knowledge - how to create a truly elegant modern interior at home.
The good news is that really comfortable, convenient interiors are not expensive. They are simple and democratic. Often, their creation requires much less money than is spent on expensive junk, which is then difficult to live in.
Therefore, it is important to take an example from countries that have already made their way to building an aesthetic environment. The Swedes, Danes, and Dutch have long learned to create real comfort and coziness in their homes. Their design is simple, durable and democratic. It does not require large funds and is simply implemented, but it requires taste and a certain level of awareness. Understanding: what exactly does a person need from a home?
Why not take them as an example?
Therefore, we are starting to publish materials with our vision of creating a light aesthetic space based on the example of the countries of northern Europe. Because their example is the most relevant for us.
We also have harsh winters with little sun. The rooms are small. They require the most efficient use of space. And most importantly, their design is simple and durable. It can be created with little money with a guaranteed result for many years.
Everything you will read in these materials is my own opinion, based on some experience of production and design creation. Therefore, I will try to give as simple and practical advice as possible based on examples of interiors from different countries. All examples will combine three things - accessibility, convenience and aesthetics.