+38 098 777 6767


Wooden beds

Wooden bed Ulm - Photo 1Wooden bed Ulm - Photo 2
Bed Ulm
15 900 ₴

14 310

produced to order in 14 days


140 × 200160 × 200180 × 200200 × 200


Wooden bed Norwich - Photo 1Wooden bed Norwich - Photo 2
Bed Norwich
17 600 ₴

16 368

produced to order in 14 days


140 × 200160 × 200180 × 200200 × 200


Wooden bed Wolke - Photo 1Wooden bed Wolke - Photo 2
Bed Wolke
19 900 ₴

18 507

produced to order in 14 days


140 × 200160 × 200180 × 200


Wooden bed Manchester - Photo 1Wooden bed Manchester - Photo 2
Bed Manchester
17 600 ₴

16 720

produced to order in 14 days


140 × 200160 × 200180 × 200200 × 200


Bed Manchester (Showroom sample) - Photo 1Bed Manchester (Showroom sample) - Photo 2
on stock


180 × 200


Single wooden bed Norwich - Photo 1Single wooden bed Norwich - Photo 2
produced to order in 14 days


90 × 200120 × 200


Single wooden bed ulm - Photo 1Single wooden bed ulm - Photo 2
Single bed Ulm

12 100

produced to order in 14 days


90 × 200120 × 200


Single wooden bed Manchester - Photo 1Single wooden bed Manchester - Photo 2
produced to order in 14 days


90 × 200120 × 200


Wooden beds

Wooden bed: A stylish and comfortable solution for your bedroom

The bedroom itself is unique. All because most of us spend 8 or even more hours a day in it. Or if you think globally, a third of your life. Impressive, isn't it? That is why special attention should be paid to its arrangement. Well, the main furniture in it, which is in the center of attention, is, of course, a bed made of natural wood. Yes, today there are other materials from which such furniture can be made, but still, we mentioned the bed made of solid wood, which has a number of features, as well as merits and advantages over others.

  • First of all, it has a nice and presentable appearance. And no matter how perfect modern technologies are, no laminated chipboard can be compared to natural solid wood. And in order to see the difference, you do not need to be experienced in this matter, it is visible even to the naked eye. After all, wooden beds, like any other furniture made of similar material, radiate a special, natural energy. They fill the room with an aura of warmth and comfort. And this is exactly what is needed in the bedroom. Thanks to which, we will fall asleep quickly, get a good night's sleep, and in the morning we will feel energetic, energetic, and full of strength.
  • Buying a bed made of natural wood means buying quality furniture for many years. Which will serve you with faith and truth for decades. And at the same time they will always look like new. Accordingly, it is also a profitable capital investment.
  • The wooden bed is an integral part of many interiors made in current, fashionable and so popular today's styles. Take, for example, at least the same Scandinavian one, which is simply impossible to imagine without wooden elements. So in this case the choice is obvious.

As you can see, the advantages and arguments in favor of purchasing such furniture are obvious. Well, the wooden bed that you can buy in our online store directly from the manufacturer will not only meet, but also exceed all your expectations. Therefore, why postpone for tomorrow what can be done today in order to enjoy a new quality of sleep and decoration of the bedroom as soon as possible?

Features of a wooden bed

A nice bed is good, but a wooden bed is even better. And according to all its characteristics, it is ahead of any other analogues. Why? Let's understand this issue. It's worth it.

  • The solid wood is extremely durable. It can only compete with a metal frame, but that's a completely different story. But chipboard and MDF, which are so beloved by many, did not even stand next to him. No matter how high-quality they are, after a few years these slabs begin to gradually crumble. Both from the fact that they gain moisture and from time. Accordingly, they lose not only their good appearance, but also their quality.
  • Each wooden bed that you can buy in the workshop "WOODWERK" is unique and unrepeatable thanks to the rustic patterns that are never repeated and are unique in their kind. Accordingly, there are no two identical a priori in nature, which cannot be said about template lamination.
  • A bed made of wood will provide the necessary comfort during sleep. With proper assembly, it will not start to creak or wobble. For many, it is not just annoying, but even causes rage and reluctance to even enter the bedroom.

Agree, buying a wooden bed means making your bedroom perfect and your sleep flawless.

Which wooden bed to buy?

Given how popular wooden furniture is today, it is not difficult to imagine how diverse it can be. And this applies to many factors, among which it is worth highlighting a few main ones. Which must be taken into account when deciding to buy a solid wood bed.

Choosing the material of a wooden bed

This is exactly the case when there is something to choose from. Moreover, each of the materials used in furniture production has the right to exist. Also, as well as your individual characteristics and advantages, which you should know about before deciding on one of the options.

Chipboard and MDF. In essence, these are laminated boards made of sawdust of various fractions. In the first case, it is larger, in the second it is smaller, which in turn allows you to create various drawings and patterns on the plate by pressing. The main advantages are the superficial similarity with a wooden board and a budget price. Otherwise, such furniture can hardly be called durable. After all, everything good and quality has its price.

Choosing the size of a wooden bed

Actually, there are quite a few of them, but as a rule, a wooden bed is offered in three main types. It all depends on the size of the mattress. And to be more specific, it is:

single wooden bed 90x200 cm or 120x200 cm. An excellent option not only for adults, but also for teenagers.

one and a half, usually 140x200 cm. The optimal choice.

double basic model 160x200 cm., "golden mean" 180x200 cm., King Size 200x200 cm.

But that's not all. We have more good news for you. The point is that we, as a manufacturer, are ready to offer you to make a bed of wood according to your individual dimensions. Can you imagine what opportunities this gives you in terms of interior design? But most importantly, it allows you to realize all your fantasies, one of which is to sleep in a truly royal bed.

Style and combination with the interior

As for the appearance that wooden beds can have, in this case it is worth understanding that it is no less important than the quality and practicality of the furniture. Therefore, it is worth making a special emphasis on this moment. In order to make the perfect choice in all respects.

Shade. As a rule, it is customary to distinguish two main ones. Light and dark, although each of them has its own variations and may depend on the type of wood and toning. For example, spruce trees are the lightest, linden trees delight the eye with their golden hue, and alder trees with their delicate creaminess. Whereas oak, especially old oak, is dark, saturated, and sometimes even gray. Therefore, if we are talking about Scandinavian style or modern, then in this case it is worth buying light wooden beds. Well, the Dutch style or a slightly brutal loft implies darker shades.

Back height. The smaller it is, the smaller the wooden bed itself seems. Accordingly, it is an excellent solution for small bedrooms or rooms with low ceilings. Because this particular feature visually increases the space and expands it. But the high back gives this item more solidity and turns the wooden bed into a real bed.

The material of the legs. As a rule, there are two of them. Is it wood or metal. In the first case, they are a concise continuation of the frame and look very organic. What is so necessary for the Scandinavian style, based on the philosophy of "lagom", gentle Provence, or the classics. But for a loft or minimalism, elegant metal legs will be ideal. Moreover, it is also a natural material that perfectly harmonizes with wood. An ideal tandem in all respects.

Considering all this, as well as the assortment of wooden beds in our online store, you will definitely find the perfect option for you. Which will not only help to create a special atmosphere in the bedroom and organically fit into its interior, but will also give you a sweet, sound and carefree sleep. Moreover, natural wood emits natural essential oils that have a soothing, calming and relaxing effect.

How to properly care for a wooden bed?

Buying a bed made of natural wood means buying a high-quality, reliable and durable piece of furniture that will serve you for many years. And, accordingly, rather undemanding in care. Along with the fact that you are 100% sure of this, you need to know how to properly care for it, so that your joy from its operation knows no bounds.

  • Ideally, the wooden bed should be in such a place that direct sunlight does not fall on it, which can cause it to dry out. Also, the bedroom should have moderate humidity, no more than 60%, as wood absorbs moisture well, which can cause it to deform.
  • If there is a need to clean a bed made of solid wood from greasy stains or other types of contamination, in no case should you use products that include alkali, acid or abrasive substances that can damage it. The optimal and most affordable way will be a weak solution of table vinegar in warm water and a soft microfiber cloth, which can be found in every home.
  • As we all know, it's better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, every wooden bed that you can buy in our online store needs maintenance from time to time. Namely, periodic impregnation with a special oil that penetrates deep into the pores of wood, strengthens it, and has water-repellent properties.

Where is the best place to buy a wooden bed at an affordable price?

Have you decided to buy a wooden bed? Perfectly! Congratulations! But, in this case, as in many others, it is very important to know not only what, but also where. And this is the wooden furniture craft workshop "WOODWERK", which has a lot of experience in its field and is ready to offer you:
  • Excellent selection of wooden furniture. And it can be not only wooden beds, but also cabinets, tables, bedside tables, racks, shelves, etc.
  • We offer excellent prices. After all, you are going to buy a wooden bed directly from the manufacturer.
  • Delivery of your order not only within the country, but also abroad.
  • Three-year quality guarantee for all products.
  • Individual approach to each client and the possibility to make wooden furniture to individual order.

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+38 098 777 6767info@woodwerk.com

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Wooden furniture manufacturer