If you do not like the color, size or model of the product that we produce as standard, you can return it within 14 days from the moment of delivery.
Return shipping is at your expense.
We receive the product in our warehouse, check its integrity and absence of defects. After that, we return the funds to you in the same way that the payment was made.
If you paid by card, the funds are not transferred instantly. The bank performs this operation within approximately two weeks from the moment of submission of the application from our side.
If the returned product has defects or traces of use and needs restoration, we will deduct its cost from the return amount.
Goods manufactured individually according to your dimensions or in individual colors are not subject to exchange or return according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (except for cases of factory defects).
All the furniture we make comes with a three-year warranty.
Since the furniture is made of natural wood, in a rustic design, the presence of small filled knots or cracks is not a disadvantage, but if you do not like the texture of the wood, you can always make a return.